Fresh tomato 1kg


Sapodillas tend to be found in the exotics isle of many retailers. They are not that common except in their countries of origin which is southern Mexico and Central America (Panama, Peurto Rica). Where they are endemic, the tree is known as níspero in the hispanic language. You find the tree in low and coastal forests.

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Fresh Fruit Sweet Sapodilla Wholesale

Sapodillas tend to be found in the exotics isle of many retailers. They are not that common except in their countries of origin which is southern Mexico and Central America (Panama, Peurto Rica). Where they are endemic, the tree is known as níspero in the hispanic language. You find the tree in low and coastal forests.

The tree is mainly grown for shade, its fruit which we discuss briefly later and as an ornamental. The latex is the main source of chicle which is used in the production of a gum base for chewing gum.

The species name is Manilkara zapota (L.) P. van Rogen and is found in the Sapotaceae family.

My Indian friends know them as Chikoo and they feel the fruit rivals avocado for healthy nutrition which is saying something. A typical cultivar is ‘Tikal’.

Description Of The Sapodilla Fruit

A ripe sapodilla should be sweet with a soft pulpy rusty yellow-red flesh. The fruit as you can see from the photo is globose, conical or oval with one or more seeds. It weighs 75–200 g, ranging from 5 to 9 cm in diameter. The skin is a rusty or burnished orange. The flavour is quite unique too.

It is normally eaten fresh, but sometimes it is served as candy, dehydrated slices, jelly and juices.



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